Today day light savings end. Yeah!!!! I can sleep more again.. haha.. I woke up at 8.30am today to go to Tafe to hand in my assignment. Arrived at city about 9.30am and catch yellow cat to Tafe. After I have handed in my assignment, I went to city to get some money; after that, I went to eat in Hungry jacks. I have ordered a Chicken Wrap. Yummy.. After food, I went to catch the bus at 10.30am to go back to Dianella to work. I worked from 11am.- 4pm. In this blog today, I will show everyone my Work uniform.
This is the front look of my work uniform.
This is the back of my work uniform.
This is the logo for House Of Pasta.
On the uniform, there is a website for my work. Everyone are also allowed to visit.
After work, I went home and fix my friends old school bike. I forgot to take pictures. haha.. I have to bring his bike's wheels to the shop to fix it. I brought his bike to the nearest bikeshop (Greg Stoyles cycle) to change his tyres and tubes. Well, while waiting for mechanic to do his job. I met a cyclist that just came from Japan several weeks ago. He said he cycling to city everyday. Damn, his bike looks similar as mine. His is Giant CRX IV mine's Giant CRX II. Well, I have asked him to join my crew again. He accepted.
At night, I went to Subway and meet one of our crew members( TRENT). We have dinner there and were sitting there for about 2 hours just for chatting with each others. After that, I have decided to get some food for my brother. While I'm waiting, I met this guy from Philipines, he is one of the qualified chef. He owned a five star's restaurant and he said he is looking for a chef as well. Damn, I gave him my number and wait for his call. I wish I can learn something from him. He used to work for Gordon Ramsay. How awsome huh? If I have the chance, I hope I can work for Gordon Ramsay as well.
Well, it's my time to stop again. I hope everyone enjoy reading my blog tonight. I hope everyone have a good night and sleep tight. Take care. Peace
Ivan Chai
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